
Showing posts from 2014

6 Time Management Techniques


Conflict Management


Feedback & Professional Development

This learning program was designed for leaders and managers and focuses on a 3 step approach: How to offer constructive feedback and motivation through feedback.  Creating a development plan for employees and for the team.  Monitoring and tracking the progress. Below you can find the highlights of the program. For the full presentation visit my Prezi account.

In a hurry

The original text is from Mário Pinto de Andrade (unofficial translation).


the original text is from  José Micard Teixeira this one is from me :)

My London experience

London was my first trip alone and it was a challenge for me since I’m an extrovert and I like to be surrounded by people. I’m not saying I was on a deserted city but you know what I mean. To be honest I wasn't completely alone since I was staying at an old and very dear friend which now lives in London. I will change a little the usual Top 10 article into a more personal one about my London experience.

Tutorial Aranjament Floral

Uita de buchetele clasice, ia un ghiveci, un burete special si din aceleasi flori din care poti face un buchet iti iese un aranjament mult mai fain. Chiar daca pare complicat la prima vedere, iata un tutorial usor pentru un aranjament floral de efect. Si bonus inca un link la final catre un alt tutorial de aranjament floral.

Prima competitie pe bicicleta

Si iata ca am participat la prima mea competitie pe bicicleta, un duatlon la care m-am inscris la sectiunea de stafeta impreuna cu buna mea prietena Irina. Ea a alergat 8.4 km iar eu am pedalat 23 km si am finalizat pe locul 5. Ne-am atins obiectivul de a fi in primii 5 si pe parcursul cursei am constientizat lucruri pe care poate la nivel inconstient la stiam, dar acum au facut tranzitia din inconstient in constient.

Nessebar - Cetatea Muzeu

Welcome to Nessebar – Perla Mării Negre sau Cetatea Muzeu. Nesebarul este împânzit de biserici și case mici și cochete care te traspun în vremurile de altădată. Mie micuța insulă imi trezește aceleași sentimente ca și Sighișoara. Are un aer boem de oraș romantic cu alei înguste și pietruite, piațete mici, case cu etaj elegante, magazinașele de suveniruri, tavernele și grădinile care te fac să visezi.

Leadership antreprenorial

De cele mai multe ori in organizatii angajatii nu sunt platiti pentru performanta ci pentru a respecta reguli si proceduri, norme si tipare iar acest fapt ne conduce catre o organizatie birocratica in care toti suntem buni diplomati si respectam cu strictete procedurile companiei iar focusul catre client si catre competitivitatea din piata scade.

Essay on love

In his essay on love, Stendhal locates the source of the problem in the process of falling in love. When we fall in love our minds do something strange – and rather wonderful – to the other person. To explain what this is, Stendhal gets us to consider an analogy. In the city of Salzburg – he tells us – the locals like to pick up a small twig and throw it into the shaft of an abandoned salt mine. Two or three months later they return and extract the twig. Which emerges utterly transformed – covered in sparkling crystals; it looks amazing. It doesn't matter what kind of twig you use, the result is always the same. The twig has been crystallized. Of course we know how this happens: the moist air of the mine is filled with tiny salt particles which attach themselves to whatever is left in there long enough. Stendhal thinks that a related kind of crystallization occurs when we fall in love. Someone who is fairly nice comes along and gets suspended – as it were – in the moist, salty a

Well-being at work

Working in the HR field, one of my concerns besides employee’s development is their well-being. What makes you perform better at work? Well…we all perform at our best when we are feeling good.

Top 10 Bruxelles

Ne-am imbarcat in avion, am parcat bagajul si hainele, ne-am asezat, am prins centura de siguranta, ne-am numarat. Suntem toti… cam imprastiati prin avion dar destul de aproape cat sa putem face contact vizual. Dupa aproximativ 15 minute am realizat ca eram amestecati / infiltrati intr-un grup destul de mare de turisti belgieni veniti in Bucuresti pentru a vedea nu stiu ce meci. Nu le-a luat mult timp si au intrat in vorba cu noi si imediat ne-au dat sfaturi de calatorie. Pe langa faptul ca pe 2 dintre noi i-au convins sa viziteze Antwerpen-ul pentru ca ei erau originari de acolo, ne-au oferit foarte multe insight-uri pe care nu le poti gasi in ghidurile turistice obisnuite.