7 gardening tips for autumn

As much as we love the summer months, autumn has arrived. We can enjoy these months also and relax in the garden. Here are the most important tips on how you can take care of your garden during autumn.
Article written in collaboration with GREENWELLE.

1. Garden sanitation is an important way to remove and reduce the problems that may appear next year. All diseases and insects have some survival structure which enables them to live until the next growing season. Remove disease infected plants and branches from the garden and burn or put them in the trash bin. Do not compost, because many disease organisms can survive in home compost piles. Remove tall growing weeds and other garden debris to prevent your yard from becoming a haven for weeds, insect pests, and their eggs in spring. 

2. Maintain the lawn. As we use more our garden in summer, the lawn soil can become compacted. Aeration is needed for your lawn to improve drainage for the rainy autumn and also to strengthen the grass plant's root structure. You can simply use a garden fork and push into the ground to create small air holes. Apply dressing soil to the top of your lawn as this will fill in the holes, providing air and water into your lawn.

3. Seed new grass. Autumn’s warm days and cool nights supported by regular rainfall make for ideal growing conditions. Spruce up spotty patches or plant a full lawn. 

4. Plant spring bulbs. Daffodils and tulips bulbs can be planted in autumn as well. The weather is very important here as planting too early can cause bulbs to sprout before winter, or planting them too late will not allow the root development before the ground freezes.

5. Clean your greenhouse. Autumn is a great time to give your greenhouse a clean-up to avoid pests and diseases to harm your plants. Before you begin sweeping up any plant waste, take out all your plants first and then you can clean your greenhouse thoroughly with a environment friendly disinfectant. Remember to keep it open and well ventilated until it's completely dry.

6. Plant a tree. Fruit trees such as apples, pears, plums, cherries, peaches and apricots are ideal to be planted in autumn. Young trees should be staked to prevent roots from being pulled by the strong winds we have here in southern Sweden.

7. Tools maintenance. Make sure all of your gardening tools are well cleaned before you put them to rest till spring in the shelter. It's also a good idea to give your lawn mower a servicing during the autumn or winter months, as this is when you will be using it the least.

Oh boy...and now you have a lot of work :) Don't forget to relax and enjoy the time you spend out.

For professional help for your garden I can definitely recommend GREENWELLE.